Publications, Indira Chandrasekhar
van Gunsteren W F, Bakowies D, Baron R, Chandrasekhar
I, Christen M, Daura X, Gee P, Geerke D P, Glättli A, Hünenberger P H,
Kastenholz M A, Oostenbrink C, Schenk M, Trzesniak D, van der Vegt N F A and Yu
Angew Chem Int Ed 45 4064-4092 2006
Chandrasekhar I, van Gunsteren W F,
Zandomeneghi G, Williamson P and Meier B H
J Am Chem Soc 128(1) 159-170 2006
Glättli A, Chandrasekhar I and van
Gunsteren W F
Eur Biophys J 35 (3) 255-267 2005
de Vries A, Chandrasekhar I, Hünenberger
P, and van Gunsteren W F
J Phys Chem B 109 (23) 11643-11652 2005
Chandrasekhar I, Bakowies
D, Glättli A, Hünenberger P, Pereira C and van Gunsteren W F
Mol Sim 31(8) 543-548 2005
Chandrasekhar I, Oostenbrink C and van
Gunsteren W F
Soft Materials 2 (1) 27-45 2004
Pereira C S, Lins R D, Chandrasekhar I,
Freitas L C G and Hünenberger P H
Biophys J 86 (4) 2273-2285 2004
Chandrasekhar I, Kastenholz M, Lins R D,
Oostenbrink C, Schuler L D, Tieleman D P and van Gunsteren W F
Biophys J 32 (1) 67-77 2003
Chandrasekhar I and van Gunsteren
Eur Biophys J 31 (2) 89-101 2002
Chandrasekhar I and van Gunsteren
Curr Sci India 81 (10) 1325-1327 2001
van Gunsteren W F, Bakowies D, Bürgi R, Chandrasekhar
I, Christen M, Daura X, Gee P, Glattli A, Hansson T, Oostenbrink C, Peter
C, Pitera J, Schuler L D, Soares T and Yu H
Chimia 55 (10) 856-860 2001
Chandrasekhar I, Gaber B P and Nagumo M
J Biomol Struct Dyn 10 (1) 239-251 1992
Chandrasekhar I, Clore G M, Szabo A,
Gronenborn, A M and Brooks, B R
J Mol Biol 226 (1) 239-250 1992
Chandrasekhar I
In Biomembrane structure and function: the state of
the art, eds Gaber B P, Easwaran K R K, Adenine Press, Albany, NY 1992, pp
Rudolph B R, Chandrasekhar I, Gaber B P
and Nagumo M
Chem Phys Lipids 53 (2-3) 243-261 1990
Lambrakos S G, Boris J P, Oran E S, Chandrasekhar
I and Nagumo M
J Comput Phys 85 (2) 473-486 1989
Chandrasekhar I and
Sasisekharan V
Mol Cell Biochem 91 (1-2) 173-182 1989
Chandrasekhar I
Research supervisor: V. Sasisekharan.
Department: Molecular Biophysics Unit
Indian Institute of Science 1989
Abstract published in the IISC J 70 (6) 553-555 1990
Chandrasekhar I and
Gaber B P
J Biomol Struct Dyn 5 (6) 1163-1171 1988
Gaber B P, Chandrasekhar I and
Pattabiraman N
In Membranes, Macromolecules and Stability in the
Dry State, ed Leopold A C, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1986, pp 231-241
In Process
C, Chandrasekhar I and van Gunsteren W F
free energy of solvation of alkyl esters in aqueous and bilayer environments
ms in prep