Friday, March 30, 2012

Pangea Editors Interviewed on Writewords

Rebecca Lloyd and I talked to Anna Reynolds at Writewords about the process and experience of putting together the anthology of short fiction, PANGEA.

PANGEA comes out in a few weeks.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Out of Print 7

This issue has followed on a most intense period of literary activity and interaction at the Jaipur Literature Festival and Lekhana, Bangalore’s Literary Weekend. Our cover art is a reference to questions of censorship, freedom of speech, the sensibilities of communities, and the political awareness and activism that the response to Rushdie or no Rushdie has engendered. While the stories, on the other hand, are an indication that even though socio-ethical issues dominated much of the recent inky laser-jet neuron cloud space of the subcontinental literati, the gatherings at Jaipur and Bangalore ultimately paid tribute to a larger vision of literary inspiration.